Carnelian - July Birthstone
Carnelian is the birthstone for those born in July.
Its bold energy brings a rush of warmth and joy that is stimulating and empowering. The July birthstone is known as a stone of motivation endurance, leadership and courage.
Carnelian is an orange-coloured variety of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. Carnelian is a stone of exceeding beauty, with yellow, orange, reddish and brownish hues and a silky glow. Deposits have been found in Germany, and South America but much of the best Carnelian stone comes from India.
The Romans used it frequently to make seal rings for imprinting the seal with wax on correspondence. They believed it had powers of preservation from lightning, thunderstorms, vice and enchantment, blood poisoning and fever. In the Far East and throughout Turkey it was considered to be the best of all stones for talismanic purposes. The deep red stones were the ones most prized by Muslims and were engraved with verses from the Koran. Napoleon Bonaparte wore on his watch chain as a seal, always carrying it about with him during the campaign in Egypt. Ancient warriors wore Carnelian around their necks for courage and physical power to conquer their enemies.
Carnelian is an energy booster. It increases the levels of energy and promotes inner vitality and joy. The July birthstone is known to protect from negative vibrations by transforming them into positive energies. It is traditionally worn to enhance passion, love, and desire.
In ancient times, as well as today, Carnelian is believed to help timid speakers become both eloquent and bold. It helps the insecure person to find strength within them so they can come into their own. It is a talisman for success in any money-making venture. In the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition, drive and determination. Carnelian will help you understand your inner world.
Carnelian is a stabilising crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. High energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. The July birthstone promotes a love of life and protects against rage, envy, and resentment.
Discover what birthstones you can wear for other months in our "Birthstones by the Month" blog post.