what are chakras
September 18, 2024

What Are Chakras and How Can They Help You?

What Are Chakras and How Can They Help You?  

The concept of chakras stems from ancient Indian traditions. The word "chakra" comes from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "disc," and it refers to the energy centres in the human body. The chakras are believed to guide various aspects of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Each of the seven major chakras is associated with specific colours, elements, emotions and bodily functions.

The Seven Chakras Explained

Although the idea of chakras originates from Hindu and Buddhist traditions, it has transcended religious boundaries, becoming a key component of various modern practices like yoga, meditation and holistic healing in Ireland and worldwide. Understanding chakras can provide deeper insights into how our bodies and minds function and offer practical tools for achieving balance and harmony.

Traditionally, there are seven chakras, which are aligned along the spine, from its base to the crown of the head. Each chakra is associated with specific qualities, emotions and physical areas of the body.

chakra bracelet silver Ireland

1. Root Chakra

  • Location: Base of the spine
  • Colour: Red

The root chakra is the foundation of our energy system. It governs our sense of safety, security and grounding. This chakra is closely linked to survival instincts and basic needs like food, shelter and emotional stability. When the root chakra is balanced, we feel secure, confident and strong. However, an imbalanced root chakra may lead to fear, anxiety and insecurity.

To balance the root chakra, grounding exercises such as walking barefoot on natural surfaces, practising grounding a yoga mountain or tree pose and meditating on the colour red can be helpful.

2. Sacral Chakra

  • Location: Lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel
  • Colour: Orange

The sacral chakra is the centre of our emotions, creativity and sensuality. It is connected to our ability to experience pleasure, joy and emotional flexibility. This chakra also directs relationships and our ability to express and enjoy life. When the sacral chakra is in balance, we feel creative, passionate and emotionally stable. Imbalances may lead to feelings of guilt, repression or emotional instability.

To nurture the sacral chakra, creative activities like dancing, painting or cooking, as well as spending time near water can be beneficial.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Location: Upper abdomen, around the navel
  • Colour: Yellow

The solar plexus chakra is associated with personal power, self-esteem and confidence. This chakra oversees our willpower, discipline and ability to act. A balanced solar plexus chakra fosters a sense of purpose, motivation, and personal strength. When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we may struggle with low self-esteem, lack of control or feelings of helplessness.

Practices like sunbathing, engaging in challenging activities that boost confidence or meditating on the colour yellow can help balancing this chakra.

4. Heart Chakra

  • Location: Centre of the chest
  • Colour: Green

The heart chakra is the centre of love, compassion and forgiveness. It directs our ability to form meaningful relationships, love unconditionally and empathise with others. A balanced heart chakra fosters emotional openness, kindness and acceptance of others and oneself. However, an imbalanced heart chakra can manifest as emotional detachment, bitterness or fear of rejection.

To balance the heart chakra, practices like deep breathing, heart-opening yoga poses and focusing on acts of kindness can be powerful.

5. Throat Chakra

  • Location: Throat
  • Colour: Blue

The throat chakra is the centre of communication and self-expression. It guides our ability to speak our truth and express our thoughts, ideas and emotions clearly. When the throat chakra is balanced, we communicate effectively and listen attentively. Imbalances can lead to issues such as difficulty expressing oneself, dishonesty or excessive talking.

To balance the throat chakra, singing, chanting and practising mindful communication are beneficial.

6. Third Eye Chakra

  • Location: Forehead, between the eyebrows
  • Colour: Indigo

The third eye chakra is associated with intuition, insight and inner wisdom. It directs our ability to see beyond the physical and perceive deeper truths. A balanced third eye chakra fosters clarity, imagination and intuitive understanding. Blockages in this chakra may result in confusion, lack of focus or difficulty trusting one's intuition.

Meditation, visualisation and focusing on the colour indigo can help to activate and balance the third eye chakra.

7. Crown Chakra

  • Location: Top of the head
  • Colour: Purple

The crown chakra represents our connection to the divine, spiritual wisdom and higher consciousness. It is the gateway to experiencing unity with the universe and understanding one’s true nature. When this chakra is open and balanced, we feel spiritually connected and deeply at peace. Blockages in the crown chakra can lead to feelings of isolation, disconnection or a lack of meaning.

To balance the crown chakra, meditation, prayer and contemplating the nature of existence are powerful tools.


How to Balance Chakras

Balancing the chakras is essential for maintaining physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. There are several techniques known in Ireland to help in achieving this balance:

  • Meditation: Regular meditation, especially focused on each chakra's corresponding colour and mantra, can help activate and align the energy centres.
  • Yoga: Many yoga postures are designed to stimulate specific chakras. For example, heart-opening poses like camel or cobra can help balance the heart chakra.
  • Breathwork: Controlled breathing exercises help in circulating energy through the body and bringing balance to the chakras.
  • Crystals: Some people use crystals associated with each chakra’s colour to aid in healing and balancing their energy centres.
  • Sound Therapy: Using the corresponding chakra mantras or listening to healing frequencies can help realign and balance the chakras.
chakra bracelet silver model

Chakra Bracelet Connects to the Chakra System

A chakra bracelet has gained popularity in Ireland as a spiritual and emotional well-being tool. Based on the ancient belief system of chakras, we handmake our chakra bracelets in our Dublin studio using different gemstones, each representing one of the seven major energy centres or chakras in the body.

The idea behind wearing a chakra bracelet is that it can help balance these energy centres, promoting physical, mental and spiritual harmony. It typically contains beads or gemstones corresponding to each chakra, arranged from the root chakra to the crown chakra. These gemstones resonate with the vibrational energy of each chakra, helping to balance and activate them.

The symbolism of Each Chakra in the Chakra Bracelet

  • Root Chakra: Represented by red gemstones like garnet, the root chakra is the foundation of stability and security. It is associated with survival instincts and grounding.
  • Sacral Chakra: Orange gemstones like carnelian symbolise the sacral chakra, leading to creativity, passion and emotional well-being.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow gemstones like yellow jade represent the solar plexus chakra, connected to personal power, confidence and motivation.
  • Heart Chakra: Green gemstones like green agate symbolise the heart chakra, which governs love, compassion and emotional balance.
  • Throat Chakra: Blue gemstones like angelite represent the throat chakra associated with communication and self-expression.
  • Third Eye Chakra: Indigo gemstones like lapis lazuli represent the third eye chakra, connected to intuition, insight and inner wisdom.
  • Crown Chakra: Purple gemstones like amethyst symbolise the crown chakra, representing spiritual connection and enlightenment.
chakra bracelet ILgemstones

Chakra Bracelet for Balancing and Healing Energy

The core purpose of a chakra bracelet is to help balance the flow of energy through the body. Each chakra directs specific emotions and physical functions and when energy gets blocked or misaligned, it can lead to emotional or physical discomfort. A chakra bracelet works as a reminder or tool to promote the smooth and balanced flow of energy through all the chakras, ensuring a sense of balance and harmony in life.

Chakra Bracelet for Spiritual Growth and Self-Awareness

Wearing a chakra bracelet encourages mindfulness and self-awareness. It reminds the wearer to stay conscious of their emotions, actions and energy throughout the day. The idea of chakras is deeply tied to understanding one's inner self, including emotions, desires and even subconscious patterns. Wearing a bracelet that symbolises these energy centres, reminds you of your journey toward balance and self-improvement. A bracelet serves as a visual and physical reminder to focus on spiritual growth, inner balance and self-improvement.

Chakra Bracelet for Protection

Many believe that the gemstones used in a chakra bracelet not only balance chakras but also protect against negative energies. This protective aspect enhances the meaning of the bracelet as a shield against negativity, ensuring that the wearer remains in a positive, balanced state.

chakra colours

Chakra Bracelet for Positivity and Optimism

Many people find that wearing a chakra bracelet helps them maintain a positive mindset. The gemstones used in a chakra bracelet are believed to promote different positive qualities, such as optimism, creativity, courage and self-confidence. By wearing the bracelet, you can stay connected to these positive vibrations, helping you to maintain a higher frequency of positivity throughout your day.

This sense of optimism can extend to all areas of life, whether it is relationships, work or personal challenges. By wearing a chakra bracelet, you carry with you a reminder of the strength and positivity that each energy centre represents.

Chakra Bracelet for Holistic Healing

A chakra bracelet is often seen as a tool for holistic healing, addressing physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of health. Rather than focusing on one specific area, the bracelet supports a more integrated approach to well-being. Whether dealing with stress, low energy or simply seeking a deeper connection with your inner self, it can serve as a gentle but powerful tool for overall healing and balance.

chakra bracelet model

Chakra Bracelet for Mindfulness and Meditation

Many people use a chakra bracelet as a meditation tool. Focusing on the bracelet’s beads and gemstones during meditation can direct their attention to specific chakras that need healing or balancing. This practice allows for deeper meditation and enhanced focus on aligning the body’s energy system.

Chakra Bracelet Meet Fashion with Purpose

Beyond its spiritual significance, a chakra bracelet also serves as an attractive accessory. With its array of colourful gemstones, it is visually striking and can complement many styles of clothing. The beauty of a chakra bracelet is that it combines fashion with a deeper sense of purpose. You can wear it not just as a stylish piece of jewellery but as a tool for personal empowerment and well-being.


Chakras serve as a vital roadmap for understanding the mind-body connection and unlocking spiritual growth. A chakra bracelet offers potential benefits for balancing your energy, promoting emotional healing and supporting overall well-being. By wearing one, you can tap into the ancient wisdom of chakras, bringing more mindfulness, positivity and holistic health into your daily life. Whether seeking protection, self-awareness or simply a deeper sense of peace, a chakra bracelet works with the chakra system making it a powerful companion on your journey toward balance and harmony.

Find Your Chakra Bracelet

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